Blow Up Your Arms With This Drop Set

Blow Up Your Arms With This Drop Set

Blow up your upper arms with this simple, brutally effective drop set: triceps extension to forehead, triceps pullover and extension, then close-grip press (scroll down for quick gifs demonstrating each one).

A drop set combines several variations of an exercise into one long set (similar to a super set). In a drop set, you start with the lift you’re weakest on and work your way up to the strongest. That way, when you hit a point where you near failure on one, you move on to different variation where you're stronger and can continue to grind out reps.

This lets you to keep loading the target muscle even when that muscle is too tired to keep performing the initial exercise. This will fatigue more muscle fibers. Also, changing angles recruits different fibers and better train all the heads of the triceps. The result?

More muscle growth. 💪 💪 💪

Start with 8-12 reps on the first lift, then move onto the next without resting. Do as many solid reps as possible on the other movements.

1. Triceps Extension to Forehead (AKA “Skullcrushers”, so control your weight!)

 How to do a skullcrusher triceps exercise

2. Triceps Pullover and Extension: this one is similar to the Skullcrusher, but done to behind/above the head for a deeper stretch of the triceps. We’ve included a pic to make it clear where the bar should wind up at the bottom of each rep.

overhead triceps extension to build upper arms

How to do a triceps overhead extension

3. Finish with a Close-Grip Press done to failure (as many reps as possible).

How to do the Close grip press for triceps

✔️ Run through this drop set 3x

✔️ Rest 60 seconds between each round

✔️ Try not to tear the sleeves on your t-shirts

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