Build Bigger Quads at Home

Build Bigger Quads at Home

Legs are the hardest thing to train at home. Leg Elevated Split Squats (LESS) are going to be your secret weapon. Scroll for the breakdown and to see it in action.

It's shocking how well this simple exercise works. While it's quad-dominant, expect to make gains in your hamstrings and glutes too. LESS is literally a one-lift-leg-day that can be done anywhere.

Give 'em two weeks and LESS will add an inch of muscle to your legs, while everyone else sports lil' quarantine quads. The hype is real. Try it, and you'll be plotting how to add this lift to your gym leg days in no time.

The best home workout leg day exercise Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats

While home-bound, use your couch or a chair to elevate your rear leg (see gif above).

Start with just body weight for 10 - 20 reps. Once you master that, hold whatever you can scrounge up in each hand to increase the difficulty -- gallons of milk or water work great.

Do 3 to 5 sets on each side, alternating which leg is squatting and which leg is elevated.

You'll feel wobbly at first and wonder if it's worth it. Suck it up, work on your balance, and go deeeep.

A day later when you're sore AF, you'll be sold.

Need more resistance? Clutch something heavy to your chest, or load up a backpack and wear it while doing your sets.

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